
Prof. dr. Michael Friendly: The rise of visual thinking and graphic communication: Some stories and lessons from the history of data visualization
Thursday 24/10/2019 at 15:00 in room C0.20 The next MSDSlab meeting will be on Thursday, October 24th. In this talk, Prof. dr. M. (Michael) Friendly, author of various books on data visualization in R and other statistical programs, will present work from his new book on the history of data visualization. This is a very interesting…
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Raoul Schram: Machine learning on street view images to map green spaces and link it to health data.
Thursday 06/06/2019 at 15:00 in room B1.09 The next MSDSlab meeting will be on Thursday, June 6. In this workshop, dr. R.D. (Raoul) Schram will present his research on using machine learning techniques on street view images to map green spaces and link it to health data. This is an interesting topic from both a Machine…
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Erik-Jan van Kesteren: Publication-ready graphics using Illustrator
Thursday 11/04/2019 at 15:00 in room B1.09 The next (very hands-on) MSDSlab meeting will be on Thursday 11 April. In this workshop, Erik-Jan van Kesteren will do an interactive walkthrough creating simple, publication-ready graphics in Adobe Illustrator. The session is interactive, meaning that you will learn by doing: we will all create our own images and, time permitting,…
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Shiva Nadi: Text Classification and Named Entity Recognition for Online News Data
Thursday 14/03/2019 at 15:00 in room B1.09 The next MSDSlab meetings will be on Thursday the 14th of March and will be presented by Shiva Nadi of Utrecht University. She will provide a brief overview of the work she is doing on text mining and present some of the challenges she is facing. Abstract: Text Classification and…
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Franciska de Jong: Language as Social and Cultural Data
Thursday 13/12/2018 at 15:00 in room B1.09 Franciska’s presentation can be found here. The last MSDSlab meeting of 2018 will be presented by Franciska de Jong. Franciska is the Executive Director of CLARIN ERIC (Common LAnguage Resources and Technology INfrastructure) and full professor of e-Research for the Humanties. Her research interest ar ein the field of access technology for digital libraries, text…
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Jeroen de Ridder: Interpretable gene classifiers and predicting treatment benefit
Tuesday 27/11/2018 at 15:00 in room B1.09 The de Ridder lab is the bioinformatics research group of the Center for Molecular Medicine at the University Medical Center Utrecht. They create and apply innovative data science methods to advance our understanding of disease biology. Their research efforts are always inspired by a biological question and…
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Pim Huijnen: Opportunities and Challenges of Data-driven Approaches for the Study of Conceptual Change
Thursday 15/11/2018 at 15:00 in room B1.09 Our next meeting will be on the 15th of November. For the second time this year a cultural historian will present a MSDSlab. This time, professor Pim Huijnen will elaborate on the use of semantic networks of words and present some of the data he is working with. Abstract: Opportunities…
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Danielle McCool: From the ground up: What you need to know (and ‘they’ won’t tell you) about your ‘GPS’ Data
Thursday 01/11/2018 at 15:00 in room B1.09 Our next meeting will be on the 1st of November. PhD candidate Danielle McCool will discuss the problems and possibilities of (smartphone) GPS data. She will talk about, inter alia, the actual measurements from the satellites, what the various OSes do to estimate it from different sources, where it can…
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Joris van Eijnatten: Conceptual Change over Time: From Simple Counts to Complex Models?
Thursday 18/10/2018 at 15:00 in room B1.09 Our next meeting, on the 18th of October. For the first time an expert from the digital humanities will come present. Cultural historian Joris van Eijnatten will give an talk on the “Conceptual Change over Time: From Simple Counts to Complex Models” Abstract At this stage of digital humanities…
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Discussion on Bit by Bit: Social Research in the Digital Age
Thursday 04/10/2018 at 15:00 in room B1.09 Our next meeting will be a joint meeting of the MSDSlab Group and the Survey Group of the Statistics and Methodology Department. This time, Bella Struminskaya will be talking about a book by Matthew Salganik “Bit by Bit: Social Research for the Digital Age”. As the author himself puts…
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