Human Data Science (HDS)


6 June 2019
15:00 - 16:00
Sjoerd Groenmangebouw B1.09

Raoul Schram: Machine learning on street view images to map green spaces and link it to health data.

Thursday 06/06/2019 at 15:00 in room B1.09



The next MSDSlab meeting will be on Thursday, June 6. In this workshop, dr. R.D. (Raoul) Schram will present his research on using machine learning techniques on street view images to map green spaces and link it to health data. This is an interesting topic from both a Machine Learning and a survey perspective.


There are several methodologies to map greenery, such as remote sensing and satellite imagery. With the rapid advances in deep learning, a new avenue has opened up. In particular, segmentation algorithms allow us to directly find a measure of greenness with street level images. Linking this measure of greenness to geographical coordinates produces a high resolution map, which can be used in statistical modelling of health data.